The Quarantine is officially announced and May 10th is established as the date of its official implementation. The regulations establish the position of Quarantine Inspector for the city, and that this position be given to Dr. D. M. Burgess. The…
The Council granted rights to four of its members, including the president of the council, to appoint members to the council in the event of their deaths during the epidemic. This meeting would be the first of several toward the end of 1887 to…
Even though there is evidence that there was rampant yellow fever in 1887, the Council decides to not extend the pre-existing Quarantine to include Key West, which has been rumored to have had an outbreak of small pox.
This is a print of the textile mill owned by Johnson Manufacturing Company. The inclusion of landscaping and fountains in front of the building are likely artistic embellishments, but the appearance of the mill itself is consistent with that of other…
This is a photograph of two North Adams residents atop a horse-drawn cart, one of whom is identified as "Old Jim." In the background, the Keith Shoe Factory is visible.