Tampa City Council Minutes for December 16, 1887
Quarantine--United States
Even though there is evidence that there was rampant yellow fever in 1887, the Council decides to not extend the pre-existing Quarantine to include Key West, which has been rumored to have had an outbreak of small pox.
"The President stated the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of taking action in regard to quarantines whether it would be advisable to raise the same against refugees or not. After discussion pro and con it was decided not to raise the quarantine at present, and the mayor was requested to see that the quarantine Ordinance was rigidly enforced. On motion of councilman Brigham the President was requested to telegraph this information to such places as he deemed proper, and to the Times-Union, and news-Herald. He was also requested to inquire of the authorities of Key West if it was true that there was small pox in that city.”
"The President stated the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of taking action in regard to quarantines whether it would be advisable to raise the same against refugees or not. After discussion pro and con it was decided not to raise the quarantine at present, and the mayor was requested to see that the quarantine Ordinance was rigidly enforced. On motion of councilman Brigham the President was requested to telegraph this information to such places as he deemed proper, and to the Times-Union, and news-Herald. He was also requested to inquire of the authorities of Key West if it was true that there was small pox in that city.”
Used with permission from Tampa Municipal Records & Archives