transcription) “The Marshall being absent and the Captain of Police and several members of the police force being sick the clerk was directed and empowered to act as marshal during the existing emergency.”
(Transcription) “It was announced that on account of the illness of the City Physician he would not be able for the present to comply with the request of the Committee for a report as to the sanitary condition, of the city.”
(Partial transcription) “The special committee on Electric Sights presented a report recommending that the proposition to furnish the City with twelve arc lights, at 60 (cents) each per night, be accepted, but that the length of time for which the…
(Partial transcription)
“A report was received from the Committee on Police and Fire Department recommending that the Police force be reduced and recommending that the rumors of unbecoming conduct of the marshal and officer Burch be investigated.…
(Partial transcription)
“The Committee on Wharves, Bridges and Ferries submitted a report accompanied with prposals , specifications and plans for a bridge over the Hillsborough river from
Louis M Lean, bid for wood and iron draw $12, 500
(Partial transcription)
“The report of the Committee on Cemetery was read. The Committee recommended the purchase of the S.W. 40 acres of the Kammere tract for cemetery purposes, the price to be paid being $3,500 payable one half in one year and one…