Tampa City Council Minutes or September 6, 1887

September 6, 1887 (resize).jpg


Tampa City Council Minutes or September 6, 1887




(Partial transcription) “The special committee on Electric Sights presented a report recommending that the proposition to furnish the City with twelve arc lights, at 60 (cents) each per night, be accepted, but that the length of time for which the contract was to run be left with the Council. The report was received. Mr. W.N. Conoley, representing the Electric Sight Co., being present addressed the council at length. He submitted another proposition to the effect that if the council would enter into a contract with his company for ten years at the price named for lights he would guarantee every tear to reduce the price of his lights proportionately if it was demonstrated that they could be produced at a cheaper rate than 60 (cents). Councilman Henderson moved to accept the latter proposition. Councilman Brigham moved to amend by making the time five years instead of ten. The amendment was carried. Councilman Henderson then moved that the Committee on Electric Sights be continued with instructions to confer with Electric Sight Co. and ascertain if it was not possible to make some amendments in regard to securing electric lights for the city.”




Used with permission from Tampa Municipal Archives & Records



