Tampa City Council Minutes for May 22, 1888
Contracting Out--Tampa
(Partial transcription)
“The Committee on Wharves, Bridges and Ferries submitted a report accompanied with prposals , specifications and plans for a bridge over the Hillsborough river from
Louis M Lean, bid for wood and iron draw $12, 500
King Iron bridge co bid for iron draw, 13,800
Smith draw Bridge co bid for iron draw, 16,752
With recommendation that the bid of the King Iron Bridge Co. be accepted. After discussion the report was adopted and they Mayor and President of the Council directed to enter into a contract with that company in the name of the city. At the suggestion of the president and on motion of Councilman Biglow a committee of three consisting of Councilmen Biglow, Chamberlain and the President was appointed to wait on the County Commissioner and solicit aid from the County in furthering work on the bridge. The clerk was directed to notify the Bridge Company of the acceptance of their bid.”
New School:
“The Chairman of the Committee on Schools and Hospitals reported verbally recommending that the city build the school house in the 3rd ward as previously requested, provided the lot on which the building would stand was deeded to the city. The report was adopted and $500 appropriated for this purpose. Councilmen Knight and Jackson approving same.”
“The Committee on Wharves, Bridges and Ferries submitted a report accompanied with prposals , specifications and plans for a bridge over the Hillsborough river from
Louis M Lean, bid for wood and iron draw $12, 500
King Iron bridge co bid for iron draw, 13,800
Smith draw Bridge co bid for iron draw, 16,752
With recommendation that the bid of the King Iron Bridge Co. be accepted. After discussion the report was adopted and they Mayor and President of the Council directed to enter into a contract with that company in the name of the city. At the suggestion of the president and on motion of Councilman Biglow a committee of three consisting of Councilmen Biglow, Chamberlain and the President was appointed to wait on the County Commissioner and solicit aid from the County in furthering work on the bridge. The clerk was directed to notify the Bridge Company of the acceptance of their bid.”
New School:
“The Chairman of the Committee on Schools and Hospitals reported verbally recommending that the city build the school house in the 3rd ward as previously requested, provided the lot on which the building would stand was deeded to the city. The report was adopted and $500 appropriated for this purpose. Councilmen Knight and Jackson approving same.”
Used with permission from Tampa Municipal Archives & Records