Tampa Town Council Minutes for April 6 1887


Tampa Town Council Minutes for April 6 1887


Quarantine--United States


A Quarantine was established as an area in the port of Tampa at which all goods and individuals arriving from South and Central American and West Indian Ports would be inspected. At the meeting the establishment of the specific regulations of said space would be decided at a later date.

Partial Transcription:

“Immediately after the adjournment of the council the Board of Health for the city and port of Tampa concerned in Special session. The honorable Herman Glogowski, mayor, and ex
“On motion of S. Wall the mayor and president was directed to issue his proclamation declaring the quarantine be initiated against south and central American and west Indian ports to take effect May 1, next.

“Action in regard to the appointment of a port physician and quarantine inspector was deferred until some subsequent meeting.”




Used with permission of Tampa Municipal Archives & Records