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  • Tags: Trees

Jamaar Picture 3.jpg
This is a photo of Montevallo First Baptist Church during the middle 1950s.

Jamaar Picture 2.jpg
college students walking around dirt roads with groups of their friends and other students.

Jamaar Picture 1.jpg
This is a picture of some female students when it was Alabama College

Early Main Street Scene of Montevallo, Alabama.jpg
This image shows that Main Street used to be a dirt road with few buildings standing along side the road.

This is a map guide to the lake to show where different locations are at.

Corner Clearners of Montevallo Old Downtown.jpg
A photograph of a white brick cleaners building on a sunday day filled with cars and trucks parked besides the building

Big House in Montevallo.jpg
A photograph of a big house located on Middle Street.

Downtown Montevallo.jpg
A photograph of the first cars made in America, which are all parked along Main Street.
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