School Tuition in 1900 & 1903
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School Tuition in 1900 & 1903
University of Montevallo
The Alabama Girls Industrial School empowered women through education. Although classes offered in the early 1900s reflected what society deemed appropriate and useful at the time, the promotion of higher education for women is one proud heritage for the University of Montevallo.
What a wonderful time to be at the Alabama Girls Industrial School. The school tuition was only $94.55. What a bargain! Well, not exactly. This was a little while ago, 1900. The same money would be about $2,648.43 in today’s dollars, but back then the girls also received classes for free such as elocution, scientific cooking, and dressmaking. Things changed significantly in 1903. The fee was now lowered to $92. That price is now about $2,387.18, but freehand drawing and sight singing were now free classes too.
Montevallo would be hard pressed to get the student body to sign up for these classes in modern times, even if they were free.
What a wonderful time to be at the Alabama Girls Industrial School. The school tuition was only $94.55. What a bargain! Well, not exactly. This was a little while ago, 1900. The same money would be about $2,648.43 in today’s dollars, but back then the girls also received classes for free such as elocution, scientific cooking, and dressmaking. Things changed significantly in 1903. The fee was now lowered to $92. That price is now about $2,387.18, but freehand drawing and sight singing were now free classes too.
Montevallo would be hard pressed to get the student body to sign up for these classes in modern times, even if they were free.
University of Montevallo
School Tuition
Presidential Papers
James Denney
University of Montevallo
Text Item Type Metadata
(1900 Tuition)
Montevallo, Alabama 45
The President will be pleased to answer directly any inquiries as to routes and schedules.
The cost of the entire session for the regular course, which includes Literary Course and Industrials (except Music and Art), Matriculation Fee, Medical Fee, Board, Laundry, Lights, and Fuel, is $94.55, payable in advance, or on the following
On Entrance, Sept, 19th $30.00
On Nov. 15th 25.00
On Jan. 1st 25.00
On Feb. 15th 14.55
Total $94.55
This amount includes the following charges:
Eight Months' Board, at $9.50 per month... . $76.00
Thirty-three Weeks' Laundry, at 35c per week.. 11.55
Matriculation Fee 5.00
Medical Fee 2.00
Total $94.55
In addition to the above the following extras will be charged for, payable monthly in advance:
Instrumental Music $4.00
Vocal Music 4.00
Stringed Instrument Music 4.00
Art 2.00
The following are free:
Elocution, Physical Culture, Dressmaking, Stenography
and Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Penmanship, Telegraphy, Scientific Cooking, Millinery.
Taken at the option of the pupil.
No pupil is admitted to classes until the payment required has been made, or satisfactorily provided for.
(1903 Tuition)
The cost of the -entire session for the regular course, including Matriculation Fee, Medical Fee, Library Fee, Board, Laundry, Lights, and Fuel, is $90.00, payable in advance, or on the following terms:
On Entrance, Sept. 17th $30.00
On Nov. 1st 25.00
On Jan. 1 st ... 25.00
On March 1st 10.00
Total ….. ……...$90.00
This amount includes the following charges:
Board and Laundry, per session $80.00
Matriculation Fee 5.00
Medical Fee 3.00
Library Fee 2.00
Total $90.00
In addition to the above the following extras will be charged for, payable in advance, at beginning of each term:
Instrumental Music, per term $13.50
Violin, per term 13.50
Mandolin and Guitar, per term 9.00
Vocal Music, per term 9.00
Art, per term 9.00
Elocution, per term 4.50
For Use of Instrument, per term 2.00
The following are free:
Physical Culture, Dressmaking, Stenography and Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Telegraphy, Scientific Cooking, Millinery, Freehand Drawing, Sight Singing.
No pupil is admitted to classes until the payment required has been, made, or satisfactorily provided for.
Pupils from other States will be admitted on payment, in addition of the above, of a tuition fee of $20.00. Local pupils will be charged a fee of $7.00 for the session. This covers Matriculation Fee and Library Fee, and is payable in advance.
All contracts made for the session. Matriculation, Medical, and Library Fees will in no case be refunded.
No money will be refunded to pupils leaving before close of a term.
Montevallo, Alabama 45
The President will be pleased to answer directly any inquiries as to routes and schedules.
The cost of the entire session for the regular course, which includes Literary Course and Industrials (except Music and Art), Matriculation Fee, Medical Fee, Board, Laundry, Lights, and Fuel, is $94.55, payable in advance, or on the following
On Entrance, Sept, 19th $30.00
On Nov. 15th 25.00
On Jan. 1st 25.00
On Feb. 15th 14.55
Total $94.55
This amount includes the following charges:
Eight Months' Board, at $9.50 per month... . $76.00
Thirty-three Weeks' Laundry, at 35c per week.. 11.55
Matriculation Fee 5.00
Medical Fee 2.00
Total $94.55
In addition to the above the following extras will be charged for, payable monthly in advance:
Instrumental Music $4.00
Vocal Music 4.00
Stringed Instrument Music 4.00
Art 2.00
The following are free:
Elocution, Physical Culture, Dressmaking, Stenography
and Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Penmanship, Telegraphy, Scientific Cooking, Millinery.
Taken at the option of the pupil.
No pupil is admitted to classes until the payment required has been made, or satisfactorily provided for.
(1903 Tuition)
The cost of the -entire session for the regular course, including Matriculation Fee, Medical Fee, Library Fee, Board, Laundry, Lights, and Fuel, is $90.00, payable in advance, or on the following terms:
On Entrance, Sept. 17th $30.00
On Nov. 1st 25.00
On Jan. 1 st ... 25.00
On March 1st 10.00
Total ….. ……...$90.00
This amount includes the following charges:
Board and Laundry, per session $80.00
Matriculation Fee 5.00
Medical Fee 3.00
Library Fee 2.00
Total $90.00
In addition to the above the following extras will be charged for, payable in advance, at beginning of each term:
Instrumental Music, per term $13.50
Violin, per term 13.50
Mandolin and Guitar, per term 9.00
Vocal Music, per term 9.00
Art, per term 9.00
Elocution, per term 4.50
For Use of Instrument, per term 2.00
The following are free:
Physical Culture, Dressmaking, Stenography and Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Telegraphy, Scientific Cooking, Millinery, Freehand Drawing, Sight Singing.
No pupil is admitted to classes until the payment required has been, made, or satisfactorily provided for.
Pupils from other States will be admitted on payment, in addition of the above, of a tuition fee of $20.00. Local pupils will be charged a fee of $7.00 for the session. This covers Matriculation Fee and Library Fee, and is payable in advance.
All contracts made for the session. Matriculation, Medical, and Library Fees will in no case be refunded.
No money will be refunded to pupils leaving before close of a term.
University of Montevallo, “School Tuition in 1900 & 1903,” Archiving Montevallo, accessed March 10, 2025,