Distress in Ireland
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Distress in Ireland
December 2, 1846
Charles Tylor
Rickman Godlee
These two images are scans of original documents held by Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. The documents are an Address from the Committee of the Society of Friends of London. This address gives an account of the first years of the Famine in Ireland from the Quaker's point of view. As well as examining Ireland's current state in late 1846 the address also calls fellow 'Friends' to be willing to give monies in order to establish a relief fund and committees. Within the document you find that while based in London the Society of Friends kept in close communication with their Irish 'brothers and sisters'. Through this close communication they see the dire need in Ireland. As stated in the address the Quakers sought to establish relief committees of their own, partially because they knew the government's relief programs were not enough and they also felt it to be their duty to help those suffering at the Famine’s hand. The address continues to explain how they will go about distributing any money given to the relief fund and express how even small donations will help rescue those in need from destruction. The Quakers had possibly the highest number of food depots in Ireland, but this aid could not last forever. While they may have wanted to do more the Quaker’s private relief organization was stretched to its financial limit by 1848.
This is an Address from the Committee of Society of Friends in London on the subject of Ireland's state and how they intended to give relief. The two images provided are half of the whole address provided on http://triptych.brynmawr.edu/cdm/ .
Images from Triptych, a digital initiative of the Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore College Libraries (URL for document: http://triptych.brynmawr.edu/cdm/ref/collection/SC_Broad/id/331 )
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Lydia G. Godwin
Text Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Charles Tylor and Rickman Godlee , “Distress in Ireland,” History of Ireland, accessed February 23, 2025, https://carmichaeldigitalprojects.org/ireland/items/show/37.