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Ireland pg. 91and 92.pdf
These are two separate posters from the same book. The first is a notice to cease the issuing of all food under the Relief Act, and proclaiming that all people that can work should find work. This notice was put forward by the relief commission and…

This is a collection of articles from the "London Illustrated News," pertaining to the Irish Potato famine. Unlike other newspapers during this time period, this newspaper tends to be more sympathetic to the Irish and their Horrible situations. It…

This is a depiction of Bridget O'Donnell who was a poor Irish pregnant woman. Her and her family were evicted during the Irish Potato Famine. Her story is quite sad after her eviction she became quite sick and remained bedridden for over a week. At…

Ireland1 pg.84.jpg
This is a political cartoon about the Irish Potato Famine. This cartoon is meant to show the different approaches England used in dealing with Ireland's Potato Famine. Robert Peel who had been Prime Minister up until 1846 as the famine was beginning…
This is a monument commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Famine. It was unveiled by the President of Ireland at the time Mary Robinson. Although there are several monuments and memorials dedicated to the victims of the Great Hunger this memorial…
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