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A copy of the Chronicles of St. Mary’s, Monthly Bulletin of the St. Mary’s County Historical Society
Volume 10, No. 8; August 1962. A report by General Robert Hogaboom, UMSC (Ret) on the history of the Southern Maryland Railroad.

A drawing of an oyster dredge from the Industrial Revolution period.

The drawing features fishermen, or "tongers" using oyster tongs to harvest oysters.

The print, originally published in Harper's Weekly in 1884, features pirates who were illegally poaching oysters from the Chesapeake Bay.

The photograph shows a few shops on a nearly empty block, namely W. A. Givens Druggist and R. U. Ferris & Co. in the John T. Lesley Mercantile Building

Black and white image of rural Tampa in 1882. "Hanging Tree" (used in vigilante justice) in forefront of image. Captioned "Tampa, Fla., 1882" and "Population 400".

A black and white image of Florida Avenue from a the roof of a building on Polk Street, Tampa. The streets do not appear to be paved.

Black and white image of several steamships at the Tampa docks in 1885. The image is captioned "Tampa, Fla., 1885" and "Population 600".

Black and white image of a Tampa Street Railway Company engine and its workers.

Black and white image of Tampa as seen looking northeast from the roof of the County Courthouse. The streets are lined with sidewalks and utility polls. Buildings can be seen stretching off into the distance.
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