“Ordinance # 27- An ordinance for Relation to the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway Company.”

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“Ordinance # 27- An ordinance for Relation to the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway Company.”




The Town Council of Tampa gives tax cuts and property to the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway Company. Ceded also to the railway company is the right to have input in any negotiations with other railway companies during the construction of the particular line in Tampa. This document is one of the earliest instances of the Tampa Town Council clearly incentivizing railroad construction in the town. It shows that the town was aiming to expand itself through its position as a port, and was eager to attract investment in the form of railroads.

“Section 1, Be it ordained by the town council of the town of Tampa in Council assembled that the town of Tampa hereby grants unto the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway Company, the right to use and lay a single tack of railroad over and upon Spring, Water and Whiting Streets and run engines and cars upon such Railroad.”

“Section 2, That the roadbeds, franchise, rails and equipment laid and used upon such said streets and needs for railroad purposes shall be exempt from taxation of any kind for the benefit of the town of Tampa. “

“Section 3, That the amyor of said Town of Tampa, the President of the Board of Alderman, and the clerk of said town, shall forthwith execture and deliver unto the said Jacksoncille, Tampa and Key West Railway Company, a deed or other instrument of Convewyance under the seal of said town giving, granting and confirming unto said Railway Company, the exclusive right to use such said roadbeds and track, and that said road, rails, equipment and franchise, shall b;e free and exempt from taxation as provided in this ordinance.”

“Section 4, That the consideration for which these privileges are gratned shall be five dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.”

“Section 5, That if any other Railway Company shall propose to build a road to the said town of Tampa, before the construction of the said Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railways, that then ad in such case the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway Company shall elect which of said streets they will use, provided, that any privileges herein conferred should conflict with any rights asked by such other company.”




Used with permission of Tampa Municipal Archives.



