What Alabama College Offers - Bulletin

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What Alabama College Offers - Bulletin




Alabama College


The small staple bound bulletin, What Alabama College Offers, was distributed throughout the state of Alabama to promote Alabama College. It includes descriptions of the college campus, environment, and avaliable course work in a pocket size format for convenience and easy distribution. On the page pictured, a description of Alabama College's "Health Program" is included; mentioned in this section of the bulletin is the College’s dairy which supplied milk to its dining halls. It states that at the time they had over a hundred registered cattle including both Holstein and Jersey cows. The College dairy operated between 1908 and 1960 before it was converted into housing for faculty.

The above mentioned bulletin was selected for exhibition to highlight the role of publications of its type in the school's history. These publications serve as recruiting mechanisms to sustain and increase enrollment. Within the Milner Archives and Special Collections of the University of Montevallo bulletins of this sort from as far back as the school's founding in 1896 to present day are preserved for academic research as well as for alumni's viewing pleasure.




University of Montevallo


The College Dairy


Anna Crawford Milner Archives and Special Collections


Gracie Sproull





Text Item Type Metadata



What Alabama College Offers
Bulletin of Alabama College
The State College for Women
Montevallo, Alabama

Selected Page:

Concert and Lecutre Series
THE CONCERT AND LECTURE Committee brings to the campus each year distinguished attractions selected both for entertainment and educational values. Attendence of all students is provided for by the payment of regular College fees, and the public generally may take advantage of this privilege through the purchase of a season ticket at a nominal price.
In the recent past, the Series has included Nino Martini, Eva LeGallienne, the United States Marine Band, Carl Sandburg, Rose Bampton, Cornelia Otis Skinner, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Joseph Szigeti and other varied feautres of the same high caliber.
Health Program
ALABAMA COLLEGE maintains an infirmary of 36 beds fully equipped and supervised by a resident physician and two nurses. At the beginning of the school term each student is given a thorough physical examination, the results of which are kept in the physician's files for reference. Parents are assured that their daughter is pursuing her studies under the watchful eye of the College physician and staff whose primary interest is in her physical well-being.
College Night
THE HIGHLIGHT of the student year is College Night. College Night is the greatest all-student tradition at Alabama College. This three - night celebration includes every student enrolled.


AC Bulletin 1940 Cover.pdf
AC Bulletin 1940.pdf


Alabama College, “What Alabama College Offers - Bulletin,” Archiving Montevallo, accessed March 10, 2025, https://carmichaeldigitalprojects.org/archivingmontevallo/items/show/165.

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