Anonymous Interview 2

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Anonymous Interview 2


An Anonymous Interview


Solomon Balaam-Reed





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School: Auburn High School, Pretty Large, Suburbs, about 60% of students go to college
Community: No Community effects on decision, no family or friends had effect on decision either.
Parents: Parents have no effect on decision, very hands off the process
First Choice: U.M was my first choice, Applied to other schools, Jacksonville State and North Alabama.
Hear about Montevallo?: Someone from another school spoke to me about Montevallo
When did you know you wanted to go here?: When I went on the tour, It just told me that I should be here.
Any Fears: Yes because I'm a very dependent person.
First Day: First day was okay, I was just focused on trying to move in.

Mnotes: Spoiler Alert: The person who I interviewed here was my sister. That certainly made making this interview a little bit more interesting. The hardest part about asking about the "Before Montevallo" questions was because I already know about her entire process. New questions that emerged was thinking how close people got from not going to the University of Montevallo. The only reason why my sister deciding to go to the University of Montevallo was because I was also going to the same school, so I want to add that to my schedule
TNotes: The Theory on why the interview didn't go so well was it's my sister. I knew pretty much everything about her. Knowing every about a person and pretty much having all the answers made it harder to get guanine answers from the person. Even though I got pretty good answers from her about some things like how her first day was because I didn't see her a lot that day, I also didn't to ask many questions because she had class.
PNotes: It was during the same time of the interview number one so all of the same issues I had In that interview also trickled down to this interview. Also, Asha (my sister) kept trying to make me laugh and therefore I wasn't 100% focused on the interview than I probably should have been.

SNotes: She went an Auburn High School, which is a large school in which about 60% of students end up going to college. There was no effect on her college decision on anyone expect her brother. U.M was her first choice even though she did consider Jacksonville State and North Alabama. She found out about Montevallo through another school. She realized Montevallo was her home when she went on the Campus Tour. The main thing she was afraid about the going to Montevallo is that she is a very dependent person. Her first day in school was alright, as she spent most of her time trying to get ready for school and finding a social standing.